Rabu, 11 Desember 2019


                                 (Cronquist, 1981)
Nymphaeacea is aquatic, rhizomatous herbs (or the rhizome shortened into an erect caudex), often with sesquiterpene akaloids, and sometimes tanniferous with ellagic and  gallic acid and/or leuco-anthocyanins, parenchyatous tissues with conspicuous schizogenous air- passages,  commonly also with articuated laticifers and often with branching sclereids especially in  the leaves, root-hairs originating from  specialized cell, as in many monocotyledons, vessels wanting, vascular bundles of unusual structure, tracheids elongate, with spiral or annular thickenigs, sieve-tube plastids of S-type. Leaves arising direcly from the rhizome, alternate, long petiolate, with cordate or hastate to peltate, usually floating blade (but some  leaves sometimes emergen or wholly submerged), stipules median-axillary or wanting.flowers  solitary,, axilary or extra-axillary, sometimes occupying leaf -sites in the morphogenetic spiral, long-pedunculate, generally rather large, aerial and commonly entomophilous, perfect, regular, hypogynous to epigynous, some times more or less petaloid, petal 8-many, staminodial in or origin distinct, larger or smaller than the  sepals, often passing into the stamens. fruit spongy, at least below, berry- like, indehiscent or irregularly dehiscent, seeds small, commonly opperculate, often arillate, with rather scanty endosperm and copious perisperm with clustered starch -grains, the family Nymphaenaceae as here defined consists of 5 genera (nymphaea, Nuphar, euryale, Victoria, and Ondinea) but in this blog just Nymphaea.

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